
I would have a hard time being without it

I would have a hard time being without it

This testimonial is by ENU meal replacement shake consumer Richard C. Burrows, who looked to ENU Shakes for help with difficulty gaining weight while living with a gluten and lactose intolerance.

What caused your unintended weightloss?

I have some degree of problem with both gluten and lactose and have never much liked vegetables; those factors combining to a long-standing difficulty with gaining and keeping adequate weight.

I had been doing OK with powdered protein products but gradually found them distasteful and some upsetting my digestion. Living on my own now, my meager ability and interest in cooking also limit getting sufficient nutritional intake. SO — I searched for something with adequate calories and protein, (avoiding the unhealthy stuff) and being easy to prepare and enjoyable to my taste. I found that menu of desires very difficult to come by, so I had to do a series of “taste and compatibility” tests.

What motivated you to give ENU Nutrition Shakes a try versus all the other ones out there?

I believe that I first learned of ENU Shakes just by searching online for nutritional protein drinks. It didn’t exactly “fit” all the criteria I had, but it was tasty (I take the Vanilla Creme), fairly caloric, with sufficient proteins derived from a variety of sources; and very easy to use. Enough to give it a try; and I’ve kept up a steady, daily intake for over a year or so. I keep looking but find nothing that promises me anything better. (I recently ran out of my supply, tried something that was supposed to give me a “boost” { 🙂 } which was so nauseatingly sweet I could not finish the first bottle. )

How have ENU Shakes helped you and would you recommend it to others?

So, with ENU Shakes I’ve begun to gain and keep some weight, helps me maintain sufficient strength and stamina to continue daily walks for my dog, and get to the gym 3 times a week. (I turned 88 this last November.) I would have a hard time being without it.

Richard C.


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